Last week my new favourite rod arrived. As always great service from the asians and super fast delivery. Thanks Jigging Master and DHL. The 200g is a real beauty. The red anodized aluminium details is a god match with the black grip and the red and brown/green metallic blank. The finish is impeccable. Its very short, only 5 feet 2 inches, but that will make the fishing more comfortable. The balance of the rod i exactly at the reelseet when the Jigging Master PE 3 reel is attached. We have also tried the Daiwa Ryoga Bay Jigging and it also seem like a perfect match.
Yesterday we tested the drag capabilities and its truly mindblowing how much power this tiny rod has. Its rated to a max drag of 16,8 kg. We only tried half of it, 8,6 kg. That might not sound much but its a lot, more preassure than that and a fighting belt is recommended. This rod will have no problem with whatever fish we will catch in Norway.
Teh weight of it is 310 g but it feels much less due to the excellent balance. Here are a couple of pictures, better pictures will come soon.
n1 :-)
SvaraRaderaVad står n1 för? undrar en som inget begriper hehe.
Hvor tung jigg kan du bruke på denne stanga?
SvaraRaderaMan kan utan problem köra med 450g jiggar, har provat med Savage Gears 450 jiggar och det går bra. Har bara provat på relativt grunt vatten, upp till 40 meter och då går det hur bra som helst.
SvaraRaderahvor har du købt spø og rulle?
SvaraRaderahilsen henrik fra dk